The rising son

Format: tbd
Directors: Noah and Stéphane Goël
Screenplay: Noah and Stéphane Goël
Production company: Climage Audiovisuel


A two-people tale. A father and a son, a cisgender in his fifties and a young transgender man, talk about transition, mourning, confrontation, and renaissance, each with the help of documents in their mobile phones. Photos, videos, written messages or voicemails, notes, music. An intimate documentary journal, which is sincere, tragic and funny and uses the “I” form to express “we”.


Format: Hybrid documentary
Director: Céline Carridroit and Aline Suter
Screenplay: Aliner Suter and Céline Carridroit
Production company: Earthling Productions


Johanna has always worked as a mechanic. On weekends, she works on her old VW beetle in her workshop she has set up in an underground parking lot. During the week, she works in a factory on the outskirts of Geneva, which produces boxes for high-end watches. She is preparing for a race that will take place at the end of the summer. It will be her first one since her gender transition.


Format: VR
Director: Loïc Valley, Diane Dormet
Screenplay: Loïc Valley, Diane Dormet, Tiago Branquino (co-author), Eric Bouduban (co-author)
Production company: Imajack Films


Ènebé is a documentary experience in VR on genre non-dualities that adapt to the person experiencing them. Through discussions with experts and personally involved individuals, this project deals with topics such as culture, health, legislation, interpersonal relationships, language, education, and inclusion.

En roue libre

Format: Feature-length documentary
Director: Matias Carlier
Screenplay: Matias Carlier
Production company: Bande à part Films


Noah, a 13-year-old from western Switzerland in a difficult phase of his life, is a fan of wheeling. His dream is to go to Paris and take part in a huge race. This film portrays a stage in his life, characterised by transformations and “first times”.

zärtlich (at)

Format: Film/theatre
Screenplay and direction: Alejandra Jenni


Starting from the sexuality of a young woman, the three-part film intends to create a utopia about tenderness. The main character searches for her desire, intimacy at eye level, and the possibility of a world full of tenderness. In the second part, she thus leaves the classic film setting and enters an abstract theatre room, where she prepares the utopia for part 3. 


Format: Documentary animation film, approx. 15 min.
Director: Luise Hüsler
Screenplay: Luise Hüsler
Production company: ASAKO Film


Four young people from Zurich tell their story. The four of them have something in common: the same secret. They actively co-design the avatars that represent them in the animated documentary. They decide on their individual hairstyle, hair and skin colour. The four illegal immigrants describe moments they experienced, they fantasise and ask each other questions.

Legal Guilt

© Peter Schulthess

Format: Series
Idea and shot list template: Dario Schoch, Philippe Grob
Production company: Catpics AG


In legal circles, defence lawyers are considered “the wild ones”: their clients are often troublemakers and their hours of work irregular. In the public eye, they represent the “guilty parties”. The public prosecutor and the police are clearly superior in terms of personnel. We accompany four women lawyers in a male-dominated world and learn that a good defence ultimately makes all the difference.

Extra Muros

Format: Feature
Director: Max Wuchner
Screenplay: Max Wuchner
Production company: Niza Lou Waldburger


In a near future marked by the climate crisis, all cars are banned from the city centre. The Hydra taxi app breaks down and Pi, a young driver submerged in passivity, has to flee and find a way to delete her digital identity. Her story is told in a feature, in which future, present, fiction and reality merge.


Format: Web series
Director: tbd
Screenplay: Stefania Akrabova, Virginia Rusch, Benjamin Blum, Remo Reichmuth
Production company: tbd


The weekly Excel evening class is a vessel for certificate hunters, inquisitive attendants, self-optimisers, or simply bored people looking for a change. A colourful palette of people who would probably never have met otherwise find themselves together in a sterile course room: A comic portrayal of a dysfunctional family.

Doing Good

Project: Doing Good
Format: TV series
Screenplay: Katja Meier
Production company: tbd


Logline: When, after some disclosures in the Paradise Papers, the heiress of a Swiss commodity trading company suddenly decides to donate her entire fortune, her good intentions are thwarted by the resistance from her own family, media criticism and opaque processes in the aid sector.