
Format: Documentary
Director: Sayaka Mizuno
Script: Sayaka Mizuno
Production company: Beauvoir Films


Since the death of his father and the even more recent death of his brother, 45-year-old Pascal, a dairy farmer from Val d’Illiez (in the canton of Valais), has been left to run the family business, with help from his old mother Nelly. The summer heat and the arrival of volunteers from the charity Caritas-Montagnards disrupt the hectic pace and family dynamics.

Du cul du cul du cul! Avec plaisir

Marie Romanens
Camille de Pietro
Hélène Faget

Format: Web series
Directors: Marie Romanens and Camille de Pietro
Script: Marie Romanens
Production company: Tell me the Story


The series follows the week-long and decisive initiation of Marie and her friends. Including topics such as masturbation, orgasms, sexual orientation, and self-discovery, the series follows a group of teenagers on the cusp of their sexual awakening.


Cyrille Drevon © Maskarade Productions

Format: Animated short film
Director: Cyrille Drevon
Script: Cyrille Drevon
Production company: Maskerade Productions


When a man wakes up on a beach at the bottom of a cliff, he is astonished to discover that his head has been transformed into a huge stone … “Shifumi” is a pixel-art animated short film. Halfway between a surreal tale and a mystical western, the film makes use of the codes of the famous hand game, better known as “Rock, paper, scissors”.