“Cora” – an interactive and science-based graphic novel about the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Format: Roman graphique interactif pour smarphones (iOS et Android)
Réalisation: Robin Burgauer & Robbert van Rooden
Scénario: Robin Burgauer & Robbert van Rooden
Société de production: Inlusio Interactive


Sous forme de roman graphique interactif, Cora raconte l’histoire d’une jeune femme qui se trouve confrontée à des problèmes psychiques pendant la pandémie de coronavirus. Se basant sur des résultats scientifiques concernant les effets psychiques de la pandémie sur les jeunes, l’histoire souhaite contribuer à la discussion sur les problèmes mentaux et apporter de l’aide.

Caca Boudin

Working title: Le Monde Sauvage et Moi
Format: Animated series, 12 × 6 minutes, and podcast and graphic novel
Director: Claude Barras
Script: Claude Barras, Germano Zullo
Visuels: Claude Barras & Albertine
Production company: Hélium Films, Clémence Pun


Coronavirus, the climate and the collapse of biodiversity have a tendency to hit us hard. To restore hope, the way we interact with other forms of life in nature must change. This popular-science mini-series is about our relationship with the living world. It also puts forward a few ideas for how we can get along better with nature.


Format: Interactive feature-length film
Directed by: Adrien Royer and Vincent Fichera
Script: Adrien Royer and Vincent Fichera
Production company: Imajack Films


O2 is an interactive feature film that allows viewers to become emotionally involved in the story by making choices that guide the main character and deeply influence the storyline. The aim of the project is to provide an interactive film that can be broadcast in several formats (cinema, TV, mobile phone, etc.) while retaining the dramaturgical quality of a motion picture.

Fear of Happiness

Format: Cross-media project
Director: Brigitte Fässler
Script: Brigitte Fässler
Production company: CUBIQUE Entertainment GmbH


“Fear of Happiness” is a transmedial film project that deals with fear and escape into virtual worlds. The main protagonists are a dancer and his personified fear. The story is developed during sessions with professionals in the fields of storytelling, dance, and 3D/tracking who perform research on both the technical and dance level and test out ideas.