Nicole Schröder

Nicole Schroeder studied law and then creative studies, finishing with an MA. She began her career in the film industry as an open-air cinema programmer. She worked for nine years as first AD for domestic and international film productions before spending four years as a line producer. From 2008 onward, she taught at the Zurich University of the Arts film school. Between 2008 and 2020, she worked for FOCAL. After heading the Film Technology department, she launched the Innovation department (transmedia, VR, future of TV, diversity, story development, etc.) in 2016. She headed the DrehbuchWerkstatt Munich/Zurich for eight years. FOCAL named her its co-director in late 2018. She was an active board member of the Zurich For Film association and founded the Swiss Women’s Audiovisual Network (SWAN) and Script Talent screenplay prize.