The Song of the Nightrider

Format: Acoustic 3D Video Game
Project Leader: Lenz Baumann
Team: An International Collaboration of Game Designers
Production company: Maxdrux GmbH
Kickstarter campaign
With sunset your world gets cursed. By a love so great some call her evil. As death did not part them, the Ghost of the Nightrider will hunt down whomever dares to disturb the peace of his beloved Night. Still, there is a threefold hope to end his reign of darkness: The spell of a suffering heart, a sword called Echo and the long-forgotten secret of surfing the sound.
Development since support on level I
How do you combine sound and silence in dynamic gameplay? It took us one year to solve this puzzle by developing a complex gameplay prototype and by composing a ton of sounds. The modules “Joker” and “Audience” now allow us to present “The Song of the Nightrider” to a musical public and to run a professional Kickstarter campaign (crowdfunding) starting in May 2023.